The Void Gauntlet, Improved Ques and More are the New World’s First Major Content Update This Week
New World will launch its first major content update, Into the Void, on the 18th November after more than a week of PTR testing. This patch introduces a new weapon, enemy mob type, faster running on roads, as well as many other quality-of-life features.
Amazon Games Studios had a busy month battling bugs and gold exploits, but they are still on track for the release of the first major change to the game.
The much-anticipated Void Gauntlet arrives in the game. It is ideal for Life Staff players because it will be the second weapon that scales off focus and intelligence. This makes it an excellent secondary offering healing through Decay trees or close-range damage through Annihilation trees. However, it can also be used as a secondary weapon for many other options.
Varangian Knights is a new mob that has made its way to Aeternum. It is up to players to discover why. Varangian Scout, Varangian Knight and Varangian Archer are new enemies.
The Void Gauntlet, Improved Ques and More are the New World’s First Major Content Update This Week
There are no mounts yet in the game. However, there is a new feature: faster running on roads. This will only increase speed by 10%, but it will decrease if a player engages combat by blocking, dodging, attacking or being hit with debuffs.
While this won’t change, it will be quicker to use shortcuts around the world. However, the system is already in place and can be improved upon.
A variety of quality of life improvements have been made, including bug fixes and new PvP missions. There are also updates to the main storyline.
All the minor changes to the game can be found on the New World forums .