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Lost Island – ARK Expansion Map APK Download Latest Version For Android
About Lost Island – ARK Expansion map
Discover the hidden lands and high peaks of ARK’s newest community map. It features three new creatures that you can tame. Lost Island covers 150 kilometers and is home to new biomes, new challenges, and mysterious ruins. Explore jungle valleys with their giant waterfalls, make a treehouse high up in the forest’s canopy, and dive deep into mangrove swamps to find treasure.
Lost Island contains:
- Explore 150 km of the unique biomes on this map
- Cascade Rift is a rainforest chasm formed by a flowing stream and strung with thick vineyards
- Mangrove Mire is a dangerous region of swamplands.
[*Castellate Peaks is a snow-capped alpine peak that comes pre-fortified by stone fortresses - New Creature: Amargasaurus! This fierce sauropod from the Cretaceous is to be feared on Lost Island. The formidable thermal spines of Amargasaurus will freeze or burn anyone who dares to enter their territory. These titans are even closer to their enemies with their spiked tails.
- Sinomacrops is a new creature! This little Jurassic pterosaur, a perky and protective little creature, was voted onto tIslandand. It can be a living glider for its master. Sinomacrops will help you soar from any trouble by perching on your shoulders.
- Dinopithecus is a new creature! This baboon defender defends its master with incredible ferocity. Dinopithecus will lift you with its tail and transport you up to incredible heights on its back. To unleash a torrent of parasitic droppings capable of shutting down enemy Tek, tame a group of them.
How to download and install Lost Island – ARK Extension Map
- Click the button below to download. You will be redirected directly to Lost Island – ARK Expansion map download page.
- To complete your download, choose a mirror. To use a torrent download, you’ll first need to download UTorrent.
- After Lost Island – ARK Expansion Map is downloaded, extract the file with a program such as WinRAR.
- Start the game setup in the extracted folder. Then, install the game.
- After the installation is completed, you can launch the game using the shortcut on your desktop.
- Enjoy the game!