JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean Part II Release Date
You’ve just finished blitzing through the Stone Ocean episodes. Now you want to know when the next batch of episodes will be out. You and all other JoJo fans. It’s a lot more complicated than you might imagine. The first 12 episodes of the series were released on December 1ns watched all twelve episodes at once, while others spread it out over a few days. We all succumb to temptation sooner than we think, which is why you are here. You have completed the first Stone Ocean arc. Now you want to find out the Stone Ocean Part 2 release dates.
No official Stone Ocean Part 2 release date
The worst part about this whole situation is that Netflix hasn’t announced a release date. Wait! We’re very likely to know the day that the next 12 episodes will air.
Most Netflix episodes have been made available to Western Netflix, which you may not be aware of. The episodes have not yet been aired in Japan. Episode 1 of Stone Ocean will air in Japan on January 8 and broadcast weekly. Japanese viewers will be able to watch one episode every Saturday. Knowing this, the remaining episodes may be released when Japanese audiences catch up.
And Episode 12, Torrential downpour Warning will air live in Japan on March 26tMarch 26s, and the next episode will be released the week after. May 2nd.
May 2 to Part 1, we’ll receive another set of 12 episodes. You’ll likely have to wait 12 weeks before the next set. So, spacing out each episode is a good idea. You don’t want to finish it all in one week, and then have to wait another three months.
For those who have read the manga, it might be worth waiting. Perhaps we should wait… There’s no rush to see the end.
You can also check out my other article, which explains all Stands we’ve seen! Non-manga readers, it’s not spoiler-free!