Surf Securely – How to Keep Your Online Security Safe
There are many interesting and fun things you can do online. You can also keep in touch with friends via the internet. It is important to know how to keep your online identity safe. Sometimes, people will try to get you to click on harmful links or reveal personal information. You could also be subject to criminal prosecution for what you have revealed.
Apps play a greater role than websites in people’s online activities, but the Internet safety guidelines remain unchanged. Hackers still seek personal information to access your bank account and credit card information. Unsafe browsing can lead to other dangers such as embarrassing personal comments and photos that are almost impossible to remove once they’re online, or being mixed up with people you don’t want to have any contact with. There are ways that you can improve your internet security. Today we will discuss those options to make sure you’re as safe as possible when surfing the web.
Stay Current – The best protection against malware and viruses is to use the most current security software, browser, as well as your operating system. To receive the latest fixes, enable automatic updates
Don’t Do What You Don’t Know A phishing email containing malware is not necessary to be downloaded in order to cause damage to your home network. Drive-by downloads can install malware on your computer. Drive-by downloads can disguise themselves as routine system updates or other innocuous yes/no inquiries in certain situations. Even the most tech-savvy people can be fooled. It’s best to not open emails from unknown addresses.
Watch what You Say and Do – When you go online, your digital footprint tells other people where you’ve been and what you did. While it’s fun to share photos and videos with your friends and be creative, remember that once an image or file has been uploaded, it will likely remain there for ever. Don’t post anything you don’t want your family and friends to see.
Don’t Share – When it comes to internet security, you shouldn’t share your passwords or banking information online. Cybersecurity isn’t just about identity theft. Some details can be more risky than you think. You might also be able to use other information such as your relationship data to determine your security questions and give hackers a hint to guess your password.
Use Secured Networks – Do not access confidential papers or your online bank account via cafes, restaurants or other public Wi-Fi networks. If you aren’t sure what the information contains, don’t give it to anyone. Instead, make use of your institution’s or home’s secured network. For extra security, look for the padlock icon at your browser’s URL bar. This indicates that the page is secure.
Get Protected A firewall is software or hardware that acts as a barrier between your computer and the internet. A firewall prevents unauthorized access to your computer. It also protects your computer from worms, another type of malicious software. High-street shops sell individual desktop firewalls. Some operating systems also include firewalls. However, it is advisable that you verify with the manufacturer to ensure they are adequate.
Use unique passwords Ensure that your passwords are unique and strong. Avoid using the same password on multiple websites. It is easy to create a strong password by using a short text with punctuation and capital letters that conveys something to your site. Also, passwords that include easily-recoverable information such as your name, birth date, favorite sports teams, or pet names should be avoided. Your credentials should never be revealed to anyone. You should never reveal your password to anyone, even if you are confident in them.