Beyond Two Souls Download for Android & IOS
Overview Beyond Two Souls
Beyond Two Souls is an interactive adventure and drama game. It’s based on interactive storytelling, and anyone can play it even non-gamers.
To progress through the game’s world, you just need to guide and move the characters. Jodie Holmes is one of two playable characters.
The other is Aiden who is a separate entity that has been linked to Jodie from birth. Jodie has supernatural abilities due to her connection to Aiden.
She learned Aiden’s powers as she grew from adolescence into adulthood and also gained their powers. You will be able to control Jodie in the in-game environment as soon as the game begins.
You can switch to controlling Aiden as well. Aiden, an internal entity, is permanently present in no clip mode. It can freely move through walls and ceilings and other objects.
Beyond Two Souls includes characters marked with white dots. These objects can be interacted with by tilting the controller stick toward their direction. Jodie can also perform -specific actions.
The game will be monochromatic if you play as Aiden. Interactive objects can be marked with an aura. This allows them to shine in multiple colors, indicating potential interactions.
For example, you can have orange characters possessed, strangled, or knocked around, and blue objects knocked about. Aiden will often be called upon by Jodie to perform multiple functions, as long as he’s the main character in the game.
The game’s further gameplay is revealed as you make more choices. You can alter the outcome for certain scenes by making choices. These choices are usually moral ones.
The game’s end will be determined by the choices made. Different players may make different choices, which will lead to a different game ending.
Download Beyond Two Souls for Free
- Interactive Storytelling
- Supernatural Abilities
- In-Game Choices.
- You can switch between two characters and then play.
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How to Install Beyond Two Souls on Mobile
1:: Download Game
2:: Extract Game
3:: Launch The Game
4:: Have Fun
Beyond Two Souls Download for Android & IOS