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Atomicrops: Reap What You Crow Mobile Game Full Version Download
Atomicrops: Get What You Crowd
Reap what You Crow is a way to see all of your hard work and Atomicrops efforts come back to you. It answers the age-old question, “What would a Crow-person look like riding on a horse with giant scythe?”. This is a great question!
This DLC contains…
- Oregacrow – Oregacrows are new arrivals on the farm. They have their cooking cauldrons ready, and they follow a special diet that makes all dropped seeds into roses or corn. Large crops can be harvested to increase the quality of your seeds. Fill your cauldrons with unique upgrades to get even more!
- A New and Unique Plant: Oregano. This vegetable replaces heart beets. To receive bonus upgrades, fill up Oregacrow’s cauldrons containing specific crops.
- A new weapon: Scythe This is the perfect weapon for anyone who wants to be close and personal with their crops or confront their enemies. This is the first and only melee weapon that packs tons of useful farming and combat mods. For those who upgrade, the scythe also comes with a horse.
- A New Weapon: The Leech Gun – Have you ever asked yourself, “Self, what would it look like if one or more giant leech(s) was fired like a bullet?”? Also, ew.
How to download and install Atomicrops
- Click the button below to download. The download page for Atomicrops – Reap What you Crow will redirect you to.
- To complete your download, choose a mirror. To use a torrent download, you’ll first need to download UTorrent.
- After Atomicrops: Reap what You Crow has completed downloading, extract the file with a program such as WinRAR.
- Start the game setup in the extracted folder. Then, install the game.
- After the installation is completed, you can launch the game using the shortcut on your desktop.
- Enjoy the game!